The secret to achieving your goal without getting distracted — Frank Geraci

Frank Geraci
3 min readJan 11, 2022


frank geraci

What do you think is the most important thing a leader should follow? It’s a goal-oriented action, avoiding distractions that can get in the way of your goal.

That is why Frank Geraci says: “Only one in a hundred men is the leader of men, and 99 other women follow.

It is true that only a few out of every hundred men have the proper discipline to never stray from anything, whether for personal or business goals. He avoids the fun but works for the community.

However, he prioritizes the interests of his people and the welfare of the country. You won’t let anything in your path separate your street from the race. He understands that it takes time, hinders success, and avoids anything that might delay him at the end of his career.

Be a young leader

Today it is very difficult to find and measure great leaders.

As a leader, you must maximize the potential around you, engage people in collaboration, form a cohesive team, and gather multiple talents under one roof to achieve and pursue your common goal. Line up below.

For this you need to motivate and motivate your subscribers to focus on common goals.

Keep your focus with great ambition, always breathe your goal, and be assertive when an obstacle presents itself.

Even if a sudden distraction bothers you, immediately determine your final reach. Develop a strong desire to fulfill your destiny.

Many want to follow a leader who makes their employees feel part of the solution. Attract them to your cause and guide them through practical steps.

Leaders try to make it not only their own goal, but everyone’s goal. They breathe life into their followers and inspire them to achieve their goals.

Stick to your principles

Never forget your principles, because they are always in the way of a pillar of light that helps you define your path and ambitions and saves you from all evil. These paths will control your paths, allow you to move forward and demonstrate your ethics moving forward.

If you are up for a major challenge, let your standards and principles decide what is best to do. It will always help you avoid distractions, because your decisions are driven by the interest of others and morality.

Leaders must lead by example in the commitment that employers must follow.

Ask yourself tough questions

Another way to avoid distractions is to ask yourself self-test questions. Think about these questions,

If I do this, will it affect my goal?

Will my followers appreciate what I do?

How will this change my ultimate goal?

Won’t you forsake my disciples and the spirit in me?

For example, imagine if a runner injured his toe during a race, would he win or not? It depends on how you think If you focus on hitting, you will lose the medal to your opponent.

If you focus on your destination, you will be a winner through thick and thin.


A person can focus on past mistakes, failures, or grievances. Sometimes the focus comes from ourselves or our social choices.

Instead, we can imagine the outcome of our work and feel gratitude for the person who put us in this situation.

Everyone has a choice of where we should direct the focus of our attention to achieve our goal. However, it is difficult to obtain; This is why so few people are able to do this.



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